A Visionary Path Of Self Inquiry To Inspire Awareness, Empower Personal Vision, Wellbeing & Self Healing

Transpersonal Psychotherapy & Counselling Australia is the practice of Christina Manfredi and is located in Fremantle, Perth, Western Australia.

“The Future Has An Ancient Heart” 

Spirit – Nature – Science – Healing

Transpersonal Psychotherapy & Counselling Australia offers a unique paradigm of psychotherapy that integrates conventional psychological approaches, with next generation treatment modalities for the relief of human distress,  the enhancement of your personal healing, peace, and empowerment.

The approaches that are offered in the service of your self-healing include conventional psychology;  transpersonal/spiritual psychotherapy; practices drawn from research in mysticism; shamanic psychotherapy and animism; findings in psychedelic assisted therapy’ ancestral and inter-generational therapy; past life therapy; healing with altered/non ordinary states of consciousness; parapsychology; somatic therapies for healing trauma; deep ecology; and the science of consciousness.

This model of self-healing and empowerment was created and is facilitated by Christina Manfredi. Christina has over 35 years of experience in working with individuals and groups, and is informed by extensive research in both clinical mental health treatments and transpersonal and shamanic psychology, professional training, and lived experience.

The services offered invite the safe exploration of your potent vast consciousness and its’ capacity to initiate freedom from distress, self transformation, and a cultivation and dedication to what you authentically value, and truly desire. The ultimate purpose is to enhance your capacity  to be grounded in the sovereignty of your own mind and body, and to live your life here and now in a more aware, connected, choiceful, fulfilling, meaningful, and purposeful way, These services are offered for your own healing and freedom, and in the service and regard for the next generations of our humanity.

Services can be offered in person, and via Skype for remote, and International clients.

Individual supervision is available for mental health care professionals, transpersonal, spiritual therapists, and healers.


 Please email me for further information.


“Everything you see has its roots in the unseen world.
The forms may change, yet the essence remains the same.
Every wonderful sight will vanish; every sweet word will fade,
But do not be disheartened.
The source they come from is eternal, growing,
Branching out and giving new life, and new joy.
Why do you weep?
The source is within you
And this whole world is springing up from it.”

– Jelaluddin Rumi


What Is Transpersonal Therapy20190925113429
Psychoneuroimmunology, Epigenetics, Neuroplasticity, Spirituality & The Re-Creation of Health20190515131749
What is Shamanism & Animism20190515061357

Contact Christina on 0422 648 243 via text, or email:  christina.manfredi@iinet.net.au